Almost everyone has access to the internet, and it is an excellent resource for staying connected with others, promoting your business, and learning more information about a topic. However, there are many safety concerns surrounding access to the internet, especially when it comes to children being exposed to predators, protecting your financial information, and the potential for viruses to harm your computer. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate these risks and ensure that your online experience is as pleasant as possible. Here are three ways to stay safe online.
- Limit the Amount of Personal Information You Give
It is common knowledge that a strong password helps protect you against hackers and others trying to get into your email, online banking system, and other secure platforms. However, many people are not aware that the personal information they give out online can be used to assist hackers in gaining access to these accounts. For example, secret questions to help you unlock or change a forgotten password often require knowledge about such things as your date of birth, your mother’s maiden name, or the name of your childhood best friend. If others know these details, it can make it that much easier for them to crack your valuable passwords.
- Be Aware of What You Post
Anything that you post online has the potential for someone to screenshot and keep for years to come. In addition, many social media and chat platforms keep logs of messages, even after you think that you have deleted something. If you are having a bad day, it is advisable to vent in a paper journal or talk on the phone with a trusted friend rather than posting something online that you might regret later. Anything posted online can follow the author around, which could result in them getting fired from employment or otherwise needing to seek Online Reputation Management. Personal attacks against others, as well as photos of drug use and other illegal activities, are a couple of the many things that people should refrain from posting online.
- Keep Your Software Updated
Regularly updating your computer and the software on your mobile devices helps safeguard you against malware, viruses, and other hazards lurking on the internet. If you tend to forget about doing this type of thing, turning on the automatic update option might be a good idea.
Utilize these tips, among others, to help keep you and your family safe online.